Improve Process Efficiency in the New Year: 2021 is Here

Loan Pipeline Management
Loan Pipeline Management

Improve Process Efficiency in the New Year: 2021 is Here

improve process efficiency

What a year it has been for all, but it is time to improve process efficiency and look ahead to 2021. Wondering how to implement efficiency into your mortgage business? 

Look at your business model and keep reading to learn New Year tips to help you kick start the year with a successful pipeline. 

improve process efficiency


Start the New Year off right and lean into automations. Matching your mortgage automations to your processes and goals is a huge part of scaling your mortgage business. Make sure that your mortgage automations are set-up to perfectly fit your processes!

All types of mortgage automations can make your business run smoothly, and save you time. They give you the freedom to complete other tasks while marketing and follow-ups trigger behind-the-scenes. 


If you didn’t use Reffinity’s automations in 2020, now is the time! Reffinity reports automate to send weekly reports to your most important realtor partners. These consistent updates guarantee your partners are always in the know.

Reffinity reports can automate to send weekly for up to five years. And, they include a list of all your referrals from the partner that have made it to the open pipeline. Also, they include the last interactions you had with those clients. 

Loan Process Checklist

There are two ways to automate your Loan Process Checklist. You can do it with your LOS Sync, if you have that set up, but you can also accomplish this with check boxes and loan statuses. Once these automate, you can take your mind off remembering to send those frequent updates. This will free you up to focus on high-income opportunities like actually getting on the phone with clients. 

Synchronization (Sync)

The primary benefit of utilizing a sync is to connect multiple devices and contact management systems for continuity. Also, a sync eliminates double and triple data entry. Advances in synchronization allow users to stay connected with wired and wireless options. 

LOS Sync

If you have an LOS Sync, then you can set up the automation to work with the sync. When data syncs from your LOS to Jungo and updates the corresponding checkbox in your CRM, your emails can be sent out to borrowers and partners. So, this alerts them to the change automatically, without a single click from you. 

Loan Status and Checkboxes

If you don’t have the sync, a great option is to turn on the automation that will make those checkboxes on a Jungo loan page send out the templates whenever they complete. To go a step further, you can connect loan statuses to their corresponding checkboxes. So, once the loan status changes in Jungo, the checkbox activates and sends out the correct email template. Also, it eliminates the need to check off every checkbox manually. 


Keep yourself up-to-date with reports that send to you automatically every week as your pipeline changes and grows. Pick useful reports like a pipeline report, closed reports this week, or an activity report that shows all the closed tasks and calls from that week. Then, simply set it up to email it to yourself every week so that you can check-in on your account. 

Improve Process Efficiency With Task Management

If your desk was full of sticky notes in 2020 and your task management system consists of reminders on your phone, computer calendar, and your email inbox, it’s time for a change. Start the New Year off right and move your task management to a digital platform to improve process efficiency.

By having all of your to-dos in one place, you’ll be able to jump right into knocking tasks out, instead of having to figure out what you need to accomplish for the day. Using your CRM for all of your task management needs will streamline your day and help you communicate better with your team. 

Why You Need CRM Task Management

Imagine you are on the phone with a new customer. They are ready to submit a mortgage application, and want more information about interest rates. You hang up the phone, and immediately have multiple action items you need to accomplish. Even if your assistant helps you with any of these tasks, you need to remember to loop them into the conversation. 

How are you supposed to remember all of these to-dos, especially since your phone is ringing again as soon as you hang up? 

Logging Calls and Interactions

Top producing loan officers know that keeping a log of every call and interaction that you have with a contact is key to building a strong relationship. After all, if you note details from your conversations, when you speak to them again, it impresses clients! Your secret is that it was actually your Jungo CRM doing the remembering, not you. 

Scheduling Follow-Up Tasks

After you log a call, you’ll probably have follow-up tasks associated with the conversation. Task management is simple if you handle things as soon as they come up and improve process efficiency. Therefore, once you log a call or an interaction, it’s critical that you immediately create follow-up tasks. 

The great thing about follow-up tasks is that they can help you remember action items that are due tomorrow, or months from now. 

Either way, even if you’ve completely forgotten, Jungo hasn’t. Your CRM will notify you on the day your tasks as due, so you can check them off. 

Checking Off Your To-Do List

You’ll be the most efficient if you tackle your to-do list first thing in the morning. That way, you’ll free up later in the day for the phone calls, meetings, and team needs that will inevitably arise. 

Thankfully, if you have a great task management system in place in your CRM, you can relax knowing that your to-do list will be ready and waiting for you as soon as you login.

Bottom Line

The New Year is a great time to improve process efficiency and reevaluate your business goals. Excellent task management is the foundation of an efficient and successful mortgage business.

Whether you choose to implement one or all of these loan officer tips to enhance your mortgage business, stick to it and your 2021 will be better for it. Make this year the best yet and be a top producing, successful loan officer!Â